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On the beachside, Main Street is the epicenter of Bike Week and Biketoberfest each year.  For these two events, the street is a lively scene.  But during the rest of the year, the street is pretty desolate.  There are some businesses that stay open year round, but for the most part, buildings and businesses are closed.


If you walk down Main Street and look around, you'll see some lovely early 20th century buildings. This street could be the jewel of the beachside; the "bones" are there.  We are working to polish that jewel.  We want Main Street to be a year-round, inviting, vibrant, walkable destination.

Anchor 1

2017  Changes to code enforcement made it less clear who has overall responsibility for the lack of enforcement. Almost all of the violations that were submitted as complaints were returned 'unfounded'. C4RD shared the list of 'unfounded' complaints, with each violation identified by the relevant section of the code, with the Deputy City Manager, without effect.​

Volusia County Council appointed a special Committee on Beachside Redevelopment, which accomplished little more than a rehash of ideas from the plans you can find here, under Plans and Possibilities. If you haven't attended the meetings and would like to hear what was said, you can find audio and minutes here. 


2018  C4RD invited members of the Daytona Area Chamber of Commerce and City Staff to do a walking tour of the E-Zone and Main Street Redevelopment Area, starting at the newly-renovated Streamline Hotel. Chamber members admitted the kind of eyesores we witnessed that day deter their ability to bring new businesses to the area. Speaking with City staff, it seemed as though they had never seen many of the issues before, (even though they have stood for decades) and the broken-down look of the entire area almost seems acceptable to them.


2019  Main Street saw some incremental change brought by small businesses with devoted and energetic proprietors. 

      Carol's Cat House has every accessory, toy and supply even the most pampered cat might need, including biker accessories for Harley-loving kitties. 

      Peanut and George's has replaced the former Lucky Rooster. They open for breakfast and serve through dinner.  

      The Pallet Pub is a beer pub, a pallet painting business and offers the Hop-mobile for groups to pedal their way along a route to bars and restaurants.  [NOTE: The pallet painting closed and the Hop-mobile broke quickly.]

       Murals are approved for building sides just off Main St. An existing motorcycle mural was freshened. [NOTE: Murals did not materialize]


Code Enforcement returned to the Police Department and enforcement has seen some great strides. The former livery stable on Noble St. just off Main was allowed to deteriorate until it had to be demolished. The often empty, ugly grey planters still decorate the streetscape. Multiple locations continue to violate rules for the Redevelopment Area.


2020  The pandemic caused an early closure to Bike Week on Main Street.  


2021  Bike Week’s 80th Anniversary, looked like any other - though with inside capacity restrictions on those stores in the Bike Week Master Plan. The owners of the Pallet Pub added a brewery to their operation. The former Tombstone building was painted a vivid blue, and the owners were approved for a Planned Development (PD) agreement that allows them to operate a tattoo parlor and art gallery inside. The PD also included permission to stage outdoor art and music in the paved parcel next to the store. Merchants are currently required to obtain a license for each separate event, discussion of changing the rules went nowhere.

Enforcement efforts by the Codes Department hit some of the little things that detracted from the streetscape, like hanging wires and old awning brackets. But there was still little enforcement of the special codes that apply to Redevelopment. For example, glow-in-the-dark or fluorescent paint is prohibited, as are painted windows and windows with an obstructed view. Other recent improvements include painting the planters in a bright color and less trash that's visible. The new City Manager toured the Main Street area with residents. Mayor Henry started a Beachside Advisory Committee to work on identifying "low-hanging fruit" that can make immediate, visible improvements to the street. Recommendations out of the Committee included:


Art Districts and Murals

Branding Beachside

Lighting on Main Street


2022  The City purchased the Corbin Building at 777 Main Street to control development of this large and strategic site. It continues to be used by a vendor with a largely online business. C4RD continues to press City staff and the Commission to make changes to the Bike Week Master Plan that will push owners of vacant properties to either develop year-round parking or lose Bike Week parking privileges. Peanut and George’s has transitioned to an Outlaw Biker bar. Riverside Johnny’s opens at the end of Main Street and seems to be surviving in a property that has been largely vacant. The Boardwalk sign welcoming visitors to the east side of Main Street is in disrepair.


2023  Long-time Main Street property owner Teresa Doan sold numerous properties to CTO Realty Growth. Properties like the Bank and Blues, Full Moon Saloon and Dirty Harry’s continue to operate as usual, though there is much speculation about CTO’s ultimate plan for the large accumulation of parcels. An RFP is issued for the Corbin Building, with little response. The City enters discussion with the successful respondent. Peanut and Georges closes. “The Spot” at the NW corner of Main and A1A is repainted in beachy colors, a vast improvement.

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